
>yesterday and today:

tomorrow, regardless of the above:
4 hour drive to Apollo Bay over the Grampians – probably in the rain – to teach all weekend followed by the reverse trip.

11 thoughts on “>again

  1. Rose Red says:

    >Urk, sorry to hear about your migraine. Hope you are doing ok for the weekend.

  2. Lynne says:

    >I used to suffer from migraines monthly; fortunately that is now behind me. My heart- and head-felt sympathies; I hope everything goes well for the weekend. What are you teaching?

  3. catsmum says:

    >Lynne – like you, the monthly ones are pretty much behind me. Unfortunately an idiot dentist here undid 30 years of very expensive [and painful] dentistry with one visit, and now I’m stuck with the almost constant migraines as a result. Not happy.My original Melbourne dentist – after he’d finished having a pink fit at the mess that had been created – offered the opinion that it would now take at least $10,000 to fix and no guarantees that it would work. :[As to the class, it’s a technique I devised that results in a machine sewn, quilt-as-you-go, Drunkard’s Path [ curved seam ] quilt with totally different colour schemes on each side. My main sample is Japanese kimono print on one side and Christmas colours on the reverse.and all I can say is thank God for modern pharmaceuticals but I wish there were more than 4 tablets per prescription!!!!!

  4. Jane says:

    >Take care lady……hugsand glad we were able to identify the purries purchases.

  5. Tanya Brown says:

    >Oh dear, oh dear. You poor thing! I hope the weekend goes smoothly.

  6. >Oh dear! Have you talked to you medical MD or a neurologist about those migraines? Perhaps it is more than dentistry. You seem to suffer terribly from these. Report the dentist. He sounds like a nightmare.

  7. >Dear God…this is horrible! I hope that it passes soon.

  8. Bells says:

    >That was me on Wednesday. I’m sorry. It’s awful. I hope you improve before the weekend!

  9. Alice says:

    >I just don’t know how you do it, but I hope that someone, somewhere, somehow, can find a cure for these damn migraines pretty damn soon.Take care, Susan.

  10. Carol says:

    >Ouch! That does not sound very nice at all you poor thing.

  11. Kylie says:

    >I’m sorry to hear your sick 😦 I hope you have fun at Halls Gap. I lost count how mant times i was car sick there as a child.

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